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Jimmy Arroyo Junior

Professor Jimmy opened Triune of Texas in the Summer of 2023 with the goal of bringing the atmosphere and teaching quality of Triune Jiu jitsu and self-defense (Santa Clara, CA owned by Prof. Jimmy's instructor, Stan Kendrick) to Waco, Texas. Professor. Jimmy has been training Jiu-jitsu for 12 year and coaching for 10 of those years. He received his Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu in October of 2023 from his Professor Stan Kendrick (4th degree black belt) (Black belt lineage- Stanley Kendrick, Claudio Franca, Grand Master Francisco Mansor, Grand Master Helio Gracie). Prof. Jimmy would describe his style of jiu-jitsu as a pressure passing game which is heavy on the takedowns (something he says was big at Triune in California and pairs well with his 5 years of wrestling in High School). His goal for the gym is to make it into a family atmosphere where anybody can come train no matter what their experience level. Young or old, he wants to help each individual develop their own game, even if it's not with his style of Jiu-Jitsu. Prof. Jimmy is always up for a roll, so come check him out! 

Assisting Professor
Alex Blank


Professor Alex started his jiu-jitsu journey in 2006 with Triune Jiu-Jitsu under Stan Kendrick. Achieving the rank of black belt in 2021, Professor Alex credits Jiu-Jitsu with teaching him patience, hard work, and character. He has been coaching since 2011 and enjoys helping others develop their skills and confidence. Professor Alex firmly believes in the importance of jiu-jitsu as self-defense, ensuring students gain practical and effective techniques. Professor Alex is grateful for the family-friendly environment fostered by Professor Jimmy and finds joy in contributing to Triune of Texas’ supportive and encouraging community. (Professors Alex Black Belt lineage- Stanley Kendrick, Claudio France, Grand Master Francisco Mansor, Grand Master Helio Gracie)

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